Baby Booties and Blog Booty


Calling all friends, family, friends of friends, blog stalkers, cousins, aunts/uncles, coworkers, ward members, closet blog readers, strangers, and that one person reading from Florida.
This is a very important post. You will all want to read this post, take it in, digest it, and get back to me.
This Wednesday, September 9, 2009, I AM CONSIDERED FULL TERM. AS IN. FULL TERM. If Baby Sorensen should choose to come early there would be no medical intervention to prevent her from making her debut.

Yes, but what does this really mean?

2009 Baby Sorensen Prediction Giveaway!
(Insert whistles and cheers here!)
Leave a comment with your best guess on the date and time of our baby’s birth. For good measure, throw in her height and weight in case of a tie. We want to be official. If you are the person with the closest guess, you will receive a $25 Visa Giftcard! Think of what you can do with that. It’s basically free money.

Fact.Her official due date is September 30th. Fact. I have been measuring on track for the duration of this pregnancy. Fact. Jazz and I were both late babies, weighing in at over 8 pounds.

Ok there you go- have at it! And if anyone guesses later than October 15th I will personally hunt you down and kill you.


28 thoughts on “Baby Booties and Blog Booty

  1. September 27th ( 2009 or? ). 19 inches, 9 lbs. If I have to assemble a task squad of coworkers to heckle that baby out while you book a houseboat to win this contest then so help me Todd I will. A $25 giftcard is a $25 giftcard.


  2. Just because I always went early, and I think it is probably unfair and nasty for me to wish or expect anyone to go late, I will hope and predict that you will too. Let's say…. September 23rd at 10:48 pm. She will weigh 8lbs. 3oz. and be 20″ long.


  3. Okay, I'm in. I love this blog giveaway by the way. I say and please don't hurt me October 7 weighing in at 8 lbs. & 2 oz with 20″ of cuteness??? We'll see. I hope for your sake she comes next week. 🙂 See you Saturday!


  4. My Guesses: October 1st, 3:50 pm. 8 lbs 4 oz, 20 inches long, and CUTE as ever!


  5. someone already guessed but I'm also saying October 5 because it's my birthday & I'm a pretty awesome person. 7lbs 15 oz 19 in long Good luck & can't wait to see you next week!


  6. October 2nd. 10 AM 19.5 inches. 7 lbs 13 oz.


  7. I will guess that she will make her debut on September 23 at about 3:30 in the morning, she will weigh in at a healthy 8 pounds 5 ounces. Best wishes to both of you with your little baby girl!!! (btw this is Jenae Clist)


  8. Sept 18th 11:33 pm8 pounds 3 ounces 19 inchesGood Luck Mommy and Daddy. Can't wait to see her. Jazz get your butt to our office and fix VPN so I can work while you are out enjoying your baby girl. You can't put off any longer. 🙂


  9. I predict that baby girl sorensen will be born on October 7th at 8:30pm and will weigh 8 lbs 8 oz and be 21 inches!Btw this is Dannie 🙂


  10. September 22, 8lbs 6oz 20.5″ longSara – happily stepping into third place GOYDs 🙂


  11. Sept. 30th, 8lbs 8oz, 19.5″ long.Winner!! Just send the gift card now.


  12. Yay no one picked my date yet, I predict Oct. 3rdat 8 lbs and 11 ozaround 3:00pmGood luck with the labor and delivery! Have fun with your mom! Miss you guys.


  13. didn't realize I needed a time too so I will modify mine. October 5th, 3:45 pm. 7 lb 15oz. 20 ” long


  14. Sept 29th. She'll stroll out of the womb, at say, 11:30am, just in time for lunch. The weird thing is that she'll request a cheddar bay biscuit from red lobster instead of milk. I don't make these prophecies, they come to me.


  15. oh, and she'll clock in at a solid 8 lbs 2 oz. 21 long.


  16. Sept. 27th 7:32 7lbs. 6ozTom Ryan. – Saturn


  17. Ok Micci. My mom and I both always went over two weeks. So, two weeks from September 30th would be Oct. 14th, which doesn’t put me on your hit list. Aunt Lani


  18. October 4th, 4:40 AM and, if she is like her dad, will weigh in at a very healthy 9 lbs. 8 oz., 21 inches long! Good luck!


  19. The Pants Deleonce September 11, 2009 — 7:17 pm

    Sept 29th, 8:08 am 8lbs. 2oz.The Pants Deleonce!


  20. September 26th (because I'd rather wish early than late) 7lbs 14 oz (because I'd rather wish light than heavy) at 6:15pm (because you can enjoy the baby high for a few hours and then get a good night's sleep.)


  21. October 4th at 2:42pm. She will be 8lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long. Can't wait to see her! Good luck to all of you!:)


  22. Okay, now that I have all the facts. I say Oct 2nd weighing in at 8lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. I predict she will have amazing shoes!


  23. Will I get de-auntified if I say 10lbs? Here we go: Sunday, October 1st, 3:47am. 8lbs, 9oz, 21 inches of pure cuteness and love. You have my address. You know what to do. Thanks.


  24. I am going to go with Friday Oct 2 at 6:32 am. She is going to be 20 inches and 8lbs 7 oz. Yay!!!!


  25. Definitely Oct 1st and I'm thinking just under 9 lbs and 20 inches and for the record, I'm never right but really I just want my little niece to get here!


  26. Ok. Oct. 4th (sorry, dude) 12:45AM 8.6lbs, 20 inches.For your sake though, I hope she comes sooner.


  27. Oct. 6th10:31pm8lbs 4 oz. 19inches


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