30 thoughts on “3/7/12

  1. clancypassey{at}gmail{dot}com


  2. We've never actually met, but in my head we're best friends. John is just that awkward third wheel that we occasionally include when we tell how-we-met stories! I love reading about the Sorensens!


  3. I would love an invite as well, love your blog and keeping up with John's family! tmilheim@gmail.com I was so sad when I checked your blog the other day for an update and was not allowed! Thanks for accepting emails to invite!


  4. Why? May I be invited? I enjoy reading of little grand niece and neogewByejan@gmail.com


  5. Why? May I be invited? I enjoy reading of little grand niece and neogewByejan@gmail.com


  6. you should already know to have me on this list. mmmkaythanksssssss.


  7. Sara H. (used to be Edenburn!) March 11, 2012 — 3:26 am

    saraja24@yahoo.com Add me, add me! Please. 🙂


  8. Would you mind adding me? My husband (Cliff) and I are good friend's of Jazz from highschool in PA. I love keeping up with you and your beautiful family. Thanks!


  9. in the tradition of blog stalking- could you add me Micci? I'm JaNae's cousin. kari.alcorn @gmail.com


  10. Add me, me, me! Love those precious babies (not in a creepy way…okay..maybe a little).


  11. Could you?? I pretend they are my niece and nephew.VKHodgman@gmail.comIf Kathryn doesn't read this because she is crazy busy right now, please add her too.KHillbabe@gmail.com


  12. Ooh, me please! Pgnirishgrl77@gmail.comI found your blog by accident while googling around for things to sew while pregnant with my daughter and I came across your burp cloth by Jill post and I've been following along ever since.


  13. love your blog! (my favorite next to Ty and N) Please let me keep reading. Always makes me laugh!! kimcrummett@yahoo.com


  14. yes please, attoad at yahoo.com


  15. wannabestoxen@gmail.comI love reading your blogs, seeing your gorgeous photos and striving to as much of a caring (and stylish) mama as you.


  16. If you don't mind, I'd love to keep up on your blog. Reading what you write just makes me smile — 🙂 kbdb143@gmail.com.


  17. rachelsumsion@hotmail.com or rachelsumsion@gmail.com. Not sure what I sure for my blogger account. Whatever. I think they both work. Add me!! Also, this Rachel not Sean but, to lazy to change. Add him as well. xoxo.


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